
What is a Schedule?

On-call schedules are composed of calendar events. Each calendar event is associated with one or more users and one escalation layers.

  • A schedule has many events.

  • Each schedule event is associated with exactly one escalation layer, but can have many attendees.

  • Alerts will notify users on-call for an escalation layer for any given moment.

  • If multiple users are on-call for the same layer, the notifications are said to "fan out".

  • If multiple users are on-call, and a user acknowledges the alert, the rest of the users that did not acknowledge the alert will receive a notification stating that another user has acknowledged the alert.

Schedules Tutorial Video

Basic Calendar Interactions

Create a Single Day Event

Double click the calendar (in the white space) to create a single day event.

Create a Multi-Day Event

Click and drag the calendar (in the white space) to create a multi-day event.

Show Event Details

Click the event to show it's details.

Drag and Drop Events

You can drag and drop events to modify them on the fly. This only works for regular events (not repeating or rotations).

Event Actions

Click the event to show it's details. You can then use the action buttons to work on the event.

Flush Schedule

"Flushing" a schedule will remove all events from the calendar. Be careful, once events are deleted they will be lost and cannot be restored.

Scheduling Users On-Call


When creating events you must always select the following:

  • At least 1 user

  • Start Date & Time

  • End Date & Time

  • Escalation Layer

Regular Event

A regular event is one that doesn't repeat or rotate. It has a start and end date.

Repeating Event

A repeating event is one that has an initial occurrence start and end date. It will then repeat based on the options selected.

Options for repeating events are the following:

  • Frequency - An integer number (ex: 1).

  • Frequency Unit - Hours/Days/Weeks/Months/Years.

  • Applicable Days of the Week - Only days of the week this event should occur. (Only works with frequency unit Days)

  • Repeat End (Inclusive) - The last day this event should occur on. (If you set this to be Oct 31, the last occurrence will be Oct 31-> Nov 1)

Example: Simple Repeating Event

Example: Repeating Event During Working Hours

Example: Repeating Event With End Date

Rotating Event

A rotating event is similar to a repeating event, but it will rotate users for every occurrence.

Advanced Calendar Interactions

Event Override

To override and event for a duration of time:

  1. Single click the Event to show the event details.

  2. Click the Event Override button.

  3. On the event override form:

    1. Select the user that will be overriding.

    2. Scope the dates and times of when the user will be overriding.

    3. Click Create button.

Event Clone

  1. Single click the Event to show the event details.

  2. Click the Event Clone button.

  3. On the event clone form:

    1. Make any appropriate changes.

    2. Click Create button.

Repeating Event Question

For repeating events you may be asked which how you would like to edit the event.

  • This event - Uses the single occurrence clicked on for point of operation. Only modifies this occurrence.

  • This event and following events - Uses the single occurrence clicked on for starting point of operation, modifying the occurrence itself and all future occurrences.

  • All events (in this series) - Uses the initial occurrence (regardless of which event was clicked on) for starting point of operation. Modifies all past, present, and future occurrences.

Last updated