Alert Aggregation
and Deduplication

Minimize noise, maximize efficiency.

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Reduce Noise

Oncall teams receive a lot of notifications. Excess noise within your oncall system can be distracting and overwhelming, leading to missed alerts or, worse, alert fatigue. Alert aggregation/deduplication significantly reduces the noise for your team while keeping them informed of the alerts that matter the most.

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Simplified Aggregation

Reduce notification overload by combining multiple alerts into a singularly focused alert with simplified aggregation. Quickly and easily set up simple aggregations, enabling alert deduplication on incoming alerts from specified integrations. Reduce the noise in your system, and keep alerts that require attention in front of your teams.

Alert Deduplication

Quickly implement alert aggregation inside any integration, deduplicating alerts with the same title before notifications are sent to oncall teams.

Auto Resolve

Automatically resolve alerts after a given time frame, keeping your alert dashboard fresh and organized while ensuring future alerts for the same issue are not missed.

Custom Time Frames

Automatically aggregate and resolve alerts with custom time frames between 15 minutes and 30 days. Select time frames on a per-integration basis.


Advanced Aggregation

Further denoise your oncall system utilizing routers and rules. Command fine-grained control over how alerts are aggregated, how long aggregation timeouts are, and whether alerts are suppressed without sending a notification.


Group by Anything

Group alerts by anything, including different fields, logs, attributes, and sources (ex: integrations).

Customizable Timeouts

Customize aggregation timeouts to be as long or as short as your team needs.

Unparalleled Flexibility

Configure routers to perform advanced matching to support virtually any aggregation use case.

Discover better oncall.

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