Notification Limits

SMS and Voice Notifications can be terribly expensive in some parts of the world. In order to keep our prices low and pass the savings on to you, we impose fair usage limits.

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Should I Worry About Notification Limits?

If your users are in the United States, no. If your users are in other countries, check the prices section (see below) and calculate to see what this might look like for you.

Understanding Your Limits

You can use up to 50% of your subscription price in notifications. They can be in any combination of SMS, Voice, Email, Push, WhatsApp or Slack so as long as not to exceed 50% of your subscription price. Your balance will reset at the end of your billing cycle.

Prices from our providers are not immediate, and we make assumptions about the cost of the notification (see below). When our provider finalizes pricing, we adjust the notification price and your balance accordingly. We bill your account at cost.

If you exceed 85% of your notification limits, you'll automatically get an email asking you to turn on auto-recharge. If you turn on auto-recharge, your card on file will be automatically charged for your notification balance when you reach 100% of your notification limits.

If you do not enable auto-recharge at 100% of your notification limits, you will stop receiving SMS, Voice and WhatsApp notifications, but we will try to send notifications to push, email, and Slack channels to avoid service disruption. If, at any point after 100% usage, you decide to turn on auto-recharge, you will automatically be billed for your notification balance.

Until our providers finalize their prices, these are the assumed notification costs (all in USD):

Channel US International
SMS $0.02/segment $0.35/segment
Voice $0.02/minute $0.35/minute
Email $0.001/email $0.001/email
Push $0.001/push $0.001/push
WhatsApp $0.01/message $0.01/message
Slack $0.001/message $0.001/message

Tip: If your users utilize SMS in countries with high cost of SMS, consider using WhatsApp notifications as an equivalent cost effective alternative.

An Example

You are currently subscribed to our Pro plan ($10/user/month) with 5 users. Your total subscription price is $50/month.

50% of your subscription price is $25. That means you can use $25 in notification costs.

For US phone numbers, the finalized price per SMS notification is $0.0075 and $0.013 per Voice notification. Meaning:

  • $25 / $0.0075 = 3,333 SMS notifications per month or
  • $25 / $0.013 = 1,923 Voice notifications per month or
  • any combination of SMS + Voice + Email, so as long as not to exceed $25 per month

Our Providers and Prices

Provider SMS Pricing Voice Pricing
Twilio view view
Plivo view view