South Africa WhatsApp Notifications

Fast, secure, and reliable notifications for a better oncall experience.

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South Africa WhatsApp Notifications

With WhatsApp + PagerTree, you can provide your South Africa team with reliable and secure oncall notifications. PagerTree is the only major oncall provider in South Africa that supports alert notifications via WhatsApp. Provide your team with the most effective, reliable, and efficient oncall experience from detection to resolution.

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Reliable South Africa Notifications

Due to SMS's poor reliability in South Africa, messaging apps like WhatsApp are the go-to medium for messaging. Notifications failing to send should never be the reason your team misses an oncall alert. Reliably respond to oncall alerts with WhatsApp notifications through PagerTree.

Reliable Notifications

PagerTree + WhatsApp provides the most reliable and comprehensive oncall solution in South Africa. WiFi-based notifications ensure your teams receive oncall alerts even when cell reception is poor or non-existent.

Accessible OnCall

Receive oncall notifications on any device, empowering your teams to make oncall work for them. With support for Mac, PC, tablets, laptops, Android, and iPhone, your teams can receive oncall notifications on the devices that work best for them.

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Cost Effective South Africa Notifications

Traditional SMS and Voice Notifications vary in pricing around the world. In South Africa, the cost for SMS is ~$0.075/segment causing the cost of oncall to grow exponentially. With WhatsApp notifications through PagerTree, you'll receive a reliable alternative to SMS at a fraction of the cost.

SMS Alternative

Discover better oncall.

14-day free trial. No credit card required.