Series Selection

Learn about Prometheus time series, vectors, instant vectors, range vectors, ranges, and filters.

What is a Vector?

A set of related time series is called a vector.

Types of Vectors

Instant Vector

Instant Vector - a set of time series where every timestamp maps to a single data point at that “instant”.

Imagine evaluating the expression http_requests_total at a given timestamp. http_requests_total is an instant vector selector that selects the "latest sample" for any time series with the metric name http_requests_total. More specifically, "latest" means "at most 5 minutes old and not stale", relative to the evaluation timestamp. So this selector will only yield a result for series that have a sample at most 5 minutes before the evaluation timestamp and where the last sample before the evaluation timestamp is not a stale marker (an explicit way of marking a series as terminating at a certain time in the Prometheus TSDB).

Range Vector

Range vector - a set of time series in which every timestamp maps to a “range” of data points recorded some duration into the past.

A range query works exactly like many completely independent instant queries that are evaluated at subsequent time steps over a given range of time. Of course, this is highly optimized under the hood, and Prometheus doesn't actually run many independent instant queries.

For example, http_requests_total[5m] would return all the data points falling in a 5-minute window at the evaluation timestamp.

Instant Vector vs Range Vector

  • Instant vectors can be graphed, but range vectors cannot.

  • Instant vectors can be compared, and arithmetic operations can be performed on them, but range vectors cannot.

Selecting Series

Select a Range of Time

You can change any instant vector selector into a range vector selector by appending a duration specifier [<number><unit>] . For example, [5m] for a 5-minute range.

Valid duration units:

  • ms - milliseconds

  • s - seconds

  • m - minutes

  • h - hours

  • d - days

  • y - years

Filter by Label

Matcher Types:

  • =: Equals

  • !=: Not Equals

  • =~: Regular Expression Match

  • !~: Regular Expression Not Match

The following example would select all the metrics with the name "http_requests_total" that have a job label matching exactly demo and a path label starting with /api.


Regular expression matches are fully anchored. A match of path=~"/api" is treated as env=~"^/api$". You can test your regex matches here using the Golang flavor.

Metric Names are Actually a Label

Did you know that the metric names in Prometheus are actually stored as labels? The __name__ label actually stores the metric name. This can be useful when trying to dynamically match metric names.

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