AWS CloudWatch

Connect your AWS CloudWatch alarms to PagerTree using our AWS CloudWatch Integration.

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15 minutes

What is AWS CloudWatch?

AWS CloudWatch provides monitoring for Amazon Web Services (AWS) and the applications that run on AWS. CloudWatch metrics play a critical role in the monitoring of the applications running on AWS cloud. A CloudWatch alarm can watch a single metric over a specified time period and execute automated actions based on the value of the watched metric and given threshold.

How It Works

AWS CloudWatch triggers user defined alarms by watching metrics.

  • When an alarm is triggered (ALARM state) in AWS CloudWatch, an alert is created in PagerTree automatically.

  • When the alarm is closed (OK state) in AWS CloudWatch, the alert is resolved in PagerTree automatically.

Integration Walkthrough

In this integration tutorial we will show you how to send alarms from AWS CloudWatch to AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS) into PagerTree. The estimated time for this integration is 15 minutes. We assume that you already have a PagerTree and AWS account setup.

In PagerTree

  1. Create the integration by clicking the Amazon Web Services logo.

In AWS SNS Console

  1. In the SNS Console, click “Create Topic”.

    AWS SNS console
    In the AWS SNS console, click create topic.
  2. Enter a Topic name (ex: “pagertree_integration”) and a Display name (ex: “pagertree”), then click “Create Topic”.

    New SNS topic form.
    New SNS topic form.
  3. Now that your topic has been created, click “Create Subscription”.

    create subscription button
    Click create subscription button.
  4. Select HTTPS as the Protocol and paste the PagerTree Endpoint URL as the Endpoint. Ensure the "Enable raw message delivery" is disabled.

    HTTPS protocol and paste your PagerTree endpoint URL.
    Select the HTTPS protocol and paste your PagerTree endpoint URL.
  5. Your subscription should be automatically confirmed. Click the refresh icon and ensure the Subscription ID is not PendingConfirmation.

    Pagertree subscription confirmation
    The subscription will automatically be confirmed by PagerTree.

In AWS EC2 Console

  1. Go to your EC2 Instances Console. Right click on the instance that you would like to monitor, and select CloudWatch Monitoring -> Add/Edit Alarms.

    AWS cloudwatch alarm
    Add an alarm to an EC2 instance.
  2. Click Create Alarm.

    AWS Create Alarm
    Click the create alarm button.
  3. Select your new notification topic from the drop down menu, configure the settings that would like to trigger the alarm, and click “Create Alarm”.

    Select your newly created SNS Topic as the alarm destination.
    Select your newly created SNS Topic as the alarm destination.
  4. At this point you PagerTree will create an alert if the alarm fires. To configure auto-resolve click the Alarm Link in the dialog box.

    CloudWatch alarm link
    In the success box click the CloudWatch alarm link.
  5. With the new alarm selected, click Actions -> Modify.

    CloudWatch alarm
    Modify your newly created CloudWatch alarm.
  6. In the Actions section of the Modify Alarm window, click “+ Notification”.

    AWS Notification button
    Click the + Notification button.
  7. Select the following values

    1. Whenever this alarm: State is OK

    2. Send notification to: your new notification topic

  8. Click “Save Changes”.

    Modify the alarm to send OK messages to PagerTree.
    Modify the alarm to send OK messages to PagerTree.

You have successfully completed the AWS Cloudwatch integration.

Last updated