
Connect your Honeybadger error, uptime, and check-in events to PagerTree using our Honeybadger integration.

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5 minutes

What is Honeybadger?

Honeybadger provides exception and uptime monitoring to keep your web apps error-free.

How It Works

Honeybadger triggers error, uptime, and check-in events.

  • When a event message is received from a Honeybadger with an event value of occurred || down || check_in_missing, an alert is created in PagerTree automatically.

  • When a event message is received from a Honeybadger with an event value of resolved || up || check_in_reporting, the alert is resolved in PagerTree automatically.

Integration Walkthrough

In this integration tutorial we will show you how to send alerts from Honeybadger into PagerTree. The estimated time for this integration is 5 minutes. We assume that you already have a PagerTree and Honeybadger account setup.

In PagerTree

  1. Create the integration by clicking the Honeybadger logo.

In Honeybadger

  1. From your Honeybadger homepage, select the appropriate project.

     Honeybadger Dashboard
    Select the appropriate project in Honeybadger
  2. From the Project page, select the settings tab.

    Honeybadger project page settings
    On the Honeybadger project page, select the settings tab.
  3. From the Settings page, select the alerts and integrations tab.

    Honeybadger settings page alert and integrations
    On the Honeybadger settings page, select the alerts and integrations tab.
  4. Under the Add a Project Integration section, select PagerTree.

    Honeybadger PagerTree integration
    Under the add a project integration section, select PagerTree.
  5. On the Setup PagerTree page

    1. Paste the PagerTree Endpoint URL you copied in the Url field.

    2. Select the following events:

      1. Error Events

        1. “When an error is initially reported or when reported again after being resolved”

        2. “When an error is resolved”

      2. Uptime Events

        1. “When my sites go down”

        2. “When my sites are back to normal”

        3. Make sure you check the sites you want to notify on (right side)

      3. Error Events

        1. “When a check-in is missing”

        2. “When a check-in is reporting again”

  6. Click the Save Changes Button

    Honeybadger PagerTree Configuration
    Honeybadger PagerTree Configuration

You have successfully completed the Honeybadger Integration.

Integration Options


Honeybadger Token

The Honeybadger-Token header can be used to authenticate requests from Honeybadger servers.

Last updated